Hoozuki No Reitetsu, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Natsumi Eguchi. The plot revolves around Hozuki, a demon who works for the King and Head Judge of Hell. It has been serialized by Kodansha in the magazine Weekly Morning since March 2011, with chapters collected in twenty-three tankōbonvolumes as of November 2016.Wit adapted the manga into a 2014 anime television series and three original animation DVDs(OADs), while Studio Deen is producing an OAD set to be released in March 2017. A second season of the anime series has been announced for October 2017.
Rolecosplay offers the cosplay costumes of the main character-Hoozuki. Especially the boys who love mysterious Hell or black humon would love to wear a high quality Hoozuki costumes in the party. Now you can find various costumes of different manga characters on RoleCosplay.com. Moreover, some costumes of Pegasus Seiya are custom made using your own measurements, so you wear more comfortable.