Vampire Knight is a Japanese shōjo manga series written by Matsuri Hino. The series premiered in the January 2005 issue of LaLa magazine and has officially ended. Produced by Studio Deen, the anime series' first season aired in Japan on TV Tokyo between April 8, 2008, and July 1, 2008. The second season, aired on the same station from October 7, 2008, to December 30, 2008.
Different from other vampire stories like Vampire Diaries, Servamp, Diabolik Lovers, this story happens in a special academy, in which vampires and human stay in the same school, but separated to two departments. As the heroine, Yuki's choice cought many fans' eyes. Should she stay with Zero in the human department or go to vampire department with her brother Kaname Kuran? Both will make her guilty. Whatever choice she will make, cosplay will keep the same. Rolecosplay now is providing her costumes for both human and vampire, there is also other characters' cosplay outfits, such as the vampire hunter toga yagari and Hiou Shizuka.