My Hero Academia is a Japanese superhero manga series written and illustrated by Kōhei Horikoshi. It has been serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump since July 2014, and 11 volumes have been collected in tankōbon format. The story follows Izuku Midoriya, a boy born without superpowers in a world where they are the norm, but who still dreams of becoming a superhero himself, and is scouted by the world's greatest hero who shares his powers with Izuku after recognizing his value and enrolls him in a high school for heroes in training.
My Hero Academia is very popular across the world. The boy Izuku Midoriya without superpowers at first, but eventually receives powers shared by hero and enrolled in a high school for heroes training encourages many fans who dream to be a hero. To fulfill your dream, you can equip yourself with Izuku midoriya cosplay costume and imagine you have gained superpower. RoleCosplay offers customized fine cosplay costumes to you. With our highly matched costumes and wigs, cosplayers are able to show the characters perfectly. Besides Izuku, other characters are available, such as bakugo, uraraka, hulu, etc.