Shokugeki no Soma follows protagonist and title character Sōma Yukihira as he transfers to the elite Tōtsuki Culinary Academy, an extremely competitive atmosphere, where only the top 1% of students graduate in. Under the motto "Cooking is Everything", students are judged on their cooking for admission to the academy and in many classes, tournaments and events. Competition may lead to a Shokugeki, a cooking match held in an indoor stadium, where students stake their pride and futures as chefs.
This anime is on air recently and is gaining tremendous popularity in Japan and worldwide. The main character Sōma Yukihira, Erina Nakiri are so popular that RoleCosplay has already supplied the well-made cosplay costumes of Sōma Yukihira, Erina Nakiri for the cosplay fans. The costumes of other shokugeki no soma characters such as Megumi Tadokoro , Takumi Aldini, Satoshi Isshiki will be available to buy very soon.