High school of the Dead is a Japanese manga series written by Daisuke Satō and illustrated by Shōji Satō. The story follows a group of high school students caught in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. The series has been serialized in Fujimi Shobo's Monthly Dragon Age since September 2006 and as of March 2013, the series is on hiatus. The first tankōbon volume was released by Kadokawa Shoten on March 1, 2007,with a total of seven volumes available in Japan as of April 25, 2011.The series received an English-language release by Yen Press,with the first volume being released on January 25, 2011.
The popular main characters in the High School of The Dead anime, also known as Fujimi, are Marikawa Shizuka and Dead-Fujimi Shobo. RoleCosplay offers customized fine cosplay costumes to global fans who want to DIY the cosplay roles. With our highly matched costumes and wigs, cosplayers are able to show the characters perfectly. Some of the most cosplayed roles are Fujimi, Marikawa Shizuka, etc.