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Genshin Impact Fontaine or Star Rail Xianzhou?

Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail both updated with new maps, which one do you like more? Fontaine or Xianzhou? Which of these characters is your favourite?

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Lynette Costume                    Furina Costume                        Lyney Costume

Genshin Impact Fontaine

Fontaine is the country of water, where we can operate the character to enter the underwater world, experience swimming, jumping out of the water and other actions. Here we meet the water god, furina, as well as the magician lyney and his sister and assistant, lynette.


Honkai Star Rail Xianzhou

After we finished our exploration on the planet Yalilo VI, Kafka‘s sudden arrival changed the train crew’s plan. She led us to the Luo Fu fairy boat, with the purpose of solving the impending star core disaster there.



Do you remember? The first person we met in Luofu Fairy Boat was Ting Yun. As our guide along the way, she took us to meet Yukong, Fu Xuan, Jing Yuan and others. However, in the 1.2 version of the story, her true identity shocked everyone.


When we met the captured Kafka in Xianzhou, Fu Xuan‘s appearance blocked Kafka’s bullet. It is worth mentioning that she is a boss who is very good at divination, and she has been working hard to become the general of Xianzhou.


We will continue to explore the underwater world of Fontaine in Genshin Impact, and at Honkai Star Rail we are about to end our trip in Xianzhou and go to the next planet to continue our journey of development. 

In the exploration and adventure of the two worlds, we know and like many interesting and beautiful characters. Which characters have you written into the role-playing plan? If you have ideas about cosplay, don’t forget to come to RoleCosplay for some inspiration! 

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