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People Get More Anime Information from Attack on Titan

It’s been a long time coming, but the second Attack on Titan compilation movie will hit Japanese theaters on June 27, 2015. Since odds of new footage being shown is slime to none, how exactly are they planning on getting people into the theaters? With mind blowing effects, that’s how!

People Get More Anime Information from Attack on Titan
Jokes aside, the movie is being billed as a “4-D” experience. Seats will move with the action on scene, as well as additional flashing lights, wind, and spraying water being used during key moments.
Japan is notoriously slow for adopting new technologies, especially ones that were developed outside of the country. The fax machine is still commonly used in Japan. This slow acceptance of new technology and industry has led Japan to an odd battle with piracy and digital distribution.

People Get More Anime Information from Attack on Titan
While the West hasn’t figured it out completely, but every year we see entertainment move more into the digital world. Video games, movies, TV shows, and music are all legally available for streaming and downloading. Instead of wasting resources fighting against digital distribution, they have slowly embraced it.

People Get More Anime Information from Attack on Titan
The exact uses have not been shown, but we can try to guess. The wind and moving seats will be used when the characters are using the 3-d maneuver gear, the flashing lights for explosions, and water for blood effects, maybe?
Either way, we’ll have to wait to hear from Japanese audiences to know if this turns out to be a really cool experience or just a shameful cash grab.

People Get More Anime Information from Attack on Titan

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