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Rolecosplay and L-email Wig Youtube Giveaway Event

Hi guys! We hope y’all are as excited about this as us, Rolecosplay and L-email Wig will jointly carry out a giveaway.

Rolecosplay and L-email Wig  Youtube Giveaway Event (1)

☛Click on the image to enter the event

⏱END TIME: Oct 30th

☛How to get involved:

Go to the youtube channel of Rolecosplay

Link here:


1. One gets a wig from Lemail Wig
2. One gets a costume from Rolecosplay
3. Five person: gets a$10 gift card
[You can choose a Rolecosplay gift card or Lemail gift card] 4. Add one to get a wig from Lemail Wig
[When the number of new subscribers on both accounts reaches 80] 5. Add one to get a costume from Rolecosplay
[When the number of new subscribers on both accounts reaches 120]

Rolecosplay and L-email Wig  Youtube Giveaway Event (2) Rolecosplay and L-email Wig  Youtube Giveaway Event (3)

➢ This giveaway is international!

1.subscribe Lemail &rolecosplay Channels

Rolecosplay channel:

Lemailwig channel:

2. Share this video to ins( story is ok)

3. Comment what you want to say to Lemail & Rolecosplay below this video

+ SKU of your wish product

+ your Ins account(make sure we can contact u)

4. Follow our Facebook & ins, we will post there to announce the winners


❗❗If you find your comment is hidden, please private message us via ins. And make sure to get our reply (this is to prevent us from missing everyone’s information. If we do not reply to you, you can leave a message under our post to remind us to check your message. Because we don’t want to miss any of the participants)


➢Announce time:  Nov 1st, 2022.

Rolecosplay and L-email Wig  Youtube Giveaway Event (4)

Winners will be randomly chosen from the comment section.

Winners will be contacted via contact info & announced publicly on Instagram&Facebook 



▪One person can only participate once, and winners’ accounts can’t be private
▪ We only have ONE Offical Account on different platform.
▪ We won’t contact anyone until we announce the winners in this account in the form of a post.
▪ If someone sends you an unknown link under our name, please don’t click, at least send us a message for confirmation.


★ socials




☛Tiktok Rolecosplay:




★Online Store:

