Touhou Project is a Japanese doujin game series. The setting of the Touhou Project lies in a haunted region of Japan called Gensokyo, sealed away from the outside world by the Great Hakurei Barrier. Reimu Hakurei is the protagonist of the project, who lives at the Hakurei Shrine that lies on the said barrier. She, along with the secondary character Marisa Kirisame, set out to solve various incidents that happen throughout the land, mostly cause by youkai. With this, they’re both youkai exterminators.
Touhou is an extremely popular series of vertical shooting games of the “bullet hell” or “curtain fire” variety, also known as “danmaku,” where enemies not only shoot directly at you, but also fire patterned bullets to weave through. The series is best-known for its beautiful bullet patterns, seamless story development, and intriguing character interactions; like typical RPGs, character personalities are well-developed, considering the game type, and the dialogue is infused with both drama and humor, making Touhou fun not only in the combat aspect, but also interesting to watch unfold.
Yuka Kazami cosplay from fubukiami
Yukari Yakumo – Touhou Project by Okasane
Akane(Sakuya Izayoi) & Hitomi(Reimu Hakurei) & Jull(Marisa Kirisame) – Touhou Project
Cirno touhou cosplay
Marisa Kirisame Touhou Project Cosplay
touhou project cosplay – izayoi sakuya
Touhou Project Cosplay (Reimu Hakurei)
Remilia Scarlet cosplay
Momiji Inubashiri cosplay from REISUKE RYUGA
Yuyuko Saigyouji cosplay from yukama
Koishi Komeiji cosplay from SEKIYUN
Momiji Inubashiri cosplay
Yorihime Watatsuki cosplay from Izukichi
Sakuya Izayoi cosplay
Flandre Scarlet cospaly
More About Touhou Project
The series primarily consists of a challenging “bullet-hell” style top-down arcade shooting games that require a mix of reflexes, precise movement, and a bit of puzzle-solving to bob and weave through elaborate hazard patterns.
the quality of the games themselves is only part of the reason why Touhou Project has been Japan’s biggest indie sensation for several years now. The lore and characters of the Touhou games are also a massive draw. The world of Gensokyo, a fantastical reality separate from ours, plays host to a massive gathering of mythical, supernatural beings from across Japanese and Western folklore.
Though the lore within the games themselves is presented primarily through brief conversation snippets, it’s been enough to inspire hordes of fans. Touhou-related art, fiction, and music has flourished both on and offline, and numerous official and unofficial gatherings for series fans to showcase and sell their work are held across Japan.