This August, NTT DoCoMo’s dTV service will be streaming a live-action Attack on Titan drama featuring cast from the live-action movie, including Satomi Ishihara’s Hanji (coached by anime voice actress Romi Park), Nanami Sakuraba’s Sasha, Shu Watanabe’s Fukushi, Rina Takeda’s Lil and Ayame Misaki’s Hiana, joined by Hiraoka Yuta’s new Isles.
The live-action movies’ tokusatsu guru/director Shinji Higuchi will be general director on this project with Kimiyoshi Adachi (assistant director on Ichi the Killer) Katsuro Onoe and the infamous gore effects artist Yoshihiro Nishimura on board as directors. The movies’ Yûsuke Watanabe will be writing.
Opening dates of August 1 for the first film and September 19 for the second were announced last month.
Fukushi versus Lili