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Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Here’s the best cosplay of what we saw on the day of the popular culture convention:

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Owen takes his velociraptor Blue, Delta, Echo and Charlie on vacation from Jurassic World.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

The Riddler from Batman is looking particularly saucy with that question-mark mask.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Maleficent in her younger years.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Wikus of District 9.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Hawk Girl brandishes her mace.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

This Kratos is more adorably fierce than intimidatingly powerful than he was in God of War.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Mortal Kombat comes to Dragon Con with Scorpion, Ermac Reptile, and Subzero.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

X-man’s Wolverine grew more dignified but no less bad-tempered as his hair greyed.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Image credit: Meryl Chan

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

No one expects an elevator full of Stonecutters, the secret society from the Simpsons.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Predator and Alien just haven’t been able to get along ever since their epic showdown under the ice in Alien vs. Preditor.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Aayla Secura, a Rutian Twi’lek jedi from Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Strax is invariably polite, even if he is about to enact infinite violence in Doctor Who.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Rocky Balboa and Ivan Drago face off one more time.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Alice is in Hysteria Mode, prepared to really do some damage.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Edward Scissor hands does his best to not accidentally finger-comb his hair.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

I never want to meet Freddy Krueger in a dark hallway.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Camouflage for the Marriott carpet looks distinctly out-of-place in the other host hotels.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Frankenberry and the Bride of Frankenberry.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

This retro-tastic modern astronaut from the advertising billboard of Fallout’s loading screen has all the details spot-on, right down to the tiny hint of Nuka-Cola product placement.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Alien will never survive this multi-pronged attack.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

The ladies of Mad Max are tough as can be.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Furiosa and Coma-Doof Warrior soak in the relative luxury of being anywhere but in the world of Mad Max: Fury Road.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Captain Marvel. Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

The Winter Soldier has relieved Captain America of his shield.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

River Tam: the ultimate lesson of never underestimating a lady, particularly if she’s got very sharp blades within reach.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Duck Dodgers is utterly bewildered by these strange Earthling habits after too much time on Mars.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Wonder Woman and Superman share a rare moment of peace.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

An Alien chest-burster is a particularly gruesome death, even for a Star Trekredshirt.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Finn, a suspected jedi from Star Wars: the Force Awakens.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Morrigan Aensland, the succubus and powerful demon realm princess from Darkstalkers.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Barbabarina, the rogue arcade machine robot and Hackerman from Kung Furyadd an even more surreal scene to their already odd script.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

This Jaffa Guard from Stargate will protect his Goa’uld System Lord with his life.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

White Walker from Game of Thrones.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Star Trek’s Vulcan science officer gets a uniform makeover.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Pac-Man is actually a grim, dystopian tale of an astronaut trapped in a derelict space station haunted by his deceased crewmates.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

X-Man’s Psylocke after the telepath body-swapped into the body of ninja Kwannon.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

John McCane of Die Hard always has an epic Christmas.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

The ladies of FEMM (Cyberbird and Yufflebunny), the Far East Mention Mannequins, a Japanese J-pop band.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

The Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz is keeping a tight leash on her remaining flying monkey.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

This Sugar Plum Fairy from Cabin In The Woods is a truly terrifying ballerina.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Resistance is futile: a borg assimilates Captain Kirk of Star Trek.


Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

This pint-sized Harley Quinn (Nicola) won the Masquerade costume contest for her age category. Image credit: Mika McKinnon

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Patsy and Edina are Absolutely Fabulous, always and forever. Image credit: Robert Lloyd

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Kimmy Schmidt (Phoebe Hill) is downright unbreakable even on the last day of con.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Jake Lonagin (Chasen Crawford) of Cowboys and Aliens pairs up with a Twi’lek (Erica Bristow) from Star Wars to battle more sinister, less mannerly aliens.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Storm (Allyssa Lewis) prepares to unleash extreme weather while awaiting the other X-Men.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Spotting Wendigo of Hannibal may be a sign that it’s time to shower, eat, and sleep before experiencing a con-induced psychotic break.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

“Costume Not Found” (Voiceover Monkey) is an error we’ve all encountered before.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Steampunk Ood (Michael Higginbotham) is the best ood of all the fabulous representatives explored in Doctor Who.

Great Costumes on Dragon Con (40+Pics)

Red and her titular Transistor sword.