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Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

The very first console title, Castlevania, released for the NES in 1986 by Konami, was a typical platform game in which the player takes the role of Simon Belmont, a descendant of the Belmont clan, a family of vampire hunters. He travels to Dracula’s demonic castle, Castlevania and fights his way through the castle destroying Dracula himself and the castle.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Belmont’s main weapon is a whip called “Vampire Killer”, while the secondary weapons are powered by Hearts, collected by attacking candles and killing monsters. Secondary weapons available are Daggers, Holy Water (Fire Bomb), Flying Axe, Stop Watch and the Cross (Boomerang). Hidden items such as power-ups and food (health replenishment) items are also found by attacking walls within the levels, a feature inspired by Nintendo’s Super Mario Bros. with countless hidden items across the game’s levels.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
In “Castlevania: Lords of Shadow,” subweapons, such as fairies, are vital to your survival as a vampire hunter. After you unlock fairies in the Three Towers stage, you can use these tiny green creatures to distract your foes. Most living beasts, like Swamp Trolls, Wargs and Lycanthropes, are quickly distracted by a single fairy. This gives you a chance to attack a monster freely until the fairy disappears. Like all other subweapons, you select fairies using the directional pad.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
“Castlevania: Lords of Shadow” follows Gabriel Belmont’s epic quest to defeat evil and revive his lost wife. In this quest, Gabriel employs a variety of weapons and tactics to take down foes that are often much larger than himself.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Some of these techniques take the form of a mini game where the player must align two circles within one another to properly pull of a finishing move. In some cases, this mini game can also help a player if he is trying to ride a large creature, like a spider or troll.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
In “Castlevania: Lords of Shadow,” Skeleton Warriors are not very powerful, but they are some of the most annoying monsters you meet. Skeleton Warriors appear in groups of three. Each Skeleton Warrior carries a shield that you must break before you can shatter its bones. If you do not destroy all three Skeleton Warriors in time, the monsters resurrect to fight you again. A few strong attacks or a vial of Holy Water keeps a broken Skeleton Warrior from resurrecting, giving you time to finish off the rest of these undead creatures.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

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