Bring Back Your Childhood Memories by cosplaying Sailor Mars

Today, let’s a look at a character that’s sure to bring back some childhood memories…Sailor Mars! Sailor Mars, also known as Rei Hino, is the unexpected best friend of Sailor Moon, and a sort of center for the group outside of Usagi.


Throughout the entire series Usagi and Rei bicker to the point of making the viewer wonder why they’re even friends to begin with? Their friendship starts with a strong hit to the face with an Ofuda as Rei mistakingly believes Usagi is some sort of evil entity.

Sailor Mars comes from the iconic anime, Sailor Moon! She comes with numerous parts that have to do with her character. Her long legs make her stand quite tall up. As you can see her stand it somewhat similar to that of a Figma, but still has its differences.

Now let’s have a look at Sailor Mars costumes. To cosplay Sailor Mars, we should mention that her bow and skirt are actually a bit sparkly if you look at it closely. Another downside to this figure is that nothing on her is made of soft PVC! All of her clothes are solid and hard. Luckily her skirt is short enough that it won’t interfere with any leg movement.

The true friendship between Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars is proven when Rei is trusted with the Crescent Moon Wand as they mock fight for leadership in order to trick the enemy. There are also various scenes and episodes where Rei is attacked or dies where, while Usagi is clearly distraught over other characters as well, she runs to Rei.

Rei is a Miko at Hikawa Shrine, owned by her Grandfather, and her specialty is in the paranormal and with fire. She is often found meditating and consulting spirits for the missing piece of the puzzle.


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