1. Green Arrow Cosplay(DC Comics)
“Be brave.”
2. Misty (Pokémon)
“Keep it comfortable and cool.”
3. Storm and Gamora (Marvel)
“Don’t wear body paint unless you have patience.”
4. Finn (Adventure Time)
“Make your own luck!”
5. Green Goblin (Marvel)
“Make lightweight props.”
6. Miles Morales (Marvel)
“Know your sh#t!”
8. Glinda (The Wizard of Oz)
“Always bring extra rhinestones.”
9. Dr. Strange (Marvel)
“Stop caring about what other people think. Just do it for yourself.”
10. The Tardis (Doctor Who)
11. She-Hulk (Marvel)
“Keep hydrated!”
(Because body paint dries you out, duh)
12. Kate Bishop (Young Avengers)
“Don’t forget your (boomerang) arrows!”
13. Wonder Woman (DC Comics)
“Be confident in any character you wish to cosplay!”
14. Kaneda (Akira) and Carol Danvers (Marvel)
“Don’t worry! Everyone will love it!”
15. Finn (Adventure Time)
“Less is more.”
16. Black Widow and Deadpool (Marvel)
“In order to work, ya gotta twerk!”
17. Lion-O (ThunderCats)
“Show skin!”
18. Trinity (The Matrix) and Batman (DC Comics)
“Know when to say when.”
19. Beta Ray Bill (Marvel)
“Be one of a kind.”
And as a bonus…
Mostly Naked Dudes
“Beware of the Illuminati.”
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