Magical Girl Raising Project is a Japanese light novel series written by Asari Endō and illustrated by Maruino. Takarajimasha has published nine volumes since 2012 under their Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi! Bunko imprint. The series is licensed in English by Yen Press. An anime television series adaptation by Lerche aired in Japan between October and December 2016.
Wanna be a magical girl? RoleCosplay can help you realize this dream! In anime Magical Girl Raising Project, girls have to face fierce competition to stay. RoleCosplay provides quality clothes for this anime. These costumes will easily make you attractive in the convention. Witch suit of Top speed, uniform of snow white, sexy outfits for Kano, Nun-like dresses for sister Nana, green dresses for forest musician, outfits of La Pucelle. Besides costumes, wigs and props are avaiable. Invite your friends to cos together in RoleCosplay!