Assassination Classroom is a Japanese comic science fiction manga series written and illustrated by Yūsei Matsui. The series was serialized on Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine from July 2012 to March 2016 and is licensed in English by Viz Media. The series follows the daily lives of an extremely powerful octopus-like teacher and his students dedicated to the task of assassinating him to prevent Earth from being destroyed. A single original video animation adaptation by Brain's Base based on the series was screened at the Jump Super Anime Tour on October to November 2013. This was followed by a television anime adaptation by Lerche, which began airing on Fuji TV in January 2015.
This anime has two seasons so far, which character do you like most? I think Koro-sensei may attract many fans. If you want to cosplay him, you can visit Rolecosplay Online shop, it not only provides high quality cosplay costumes for him, but also for other main charatcers like Shiota Nagisa, Karma Akabane and so on. And more costumes will come soon!